
The Shinar Directive – Part 3 on SkyWatch TV

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The Shinar Directive – Part 3 on SkyWatch TV

Dr. Michael Lake returns for PART 3 in "The Shinar Directive" and it is the best show yet!

Dr. Michael Lake returns for a third 30-minute interview with Tom Horn and this show goes over the top. You can almost "sense" the old preachers in both men as they say some anointed things about the future, the plans of the Nimrod-ian schemes of occultists, but the better plans God has for his powerful end-times Church!

The Shinar Directive–Part 12

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The Shinar Directive – Part 12

Plato, Transhumanism, and the Antichrist’s Strange Army

By Michael K. Lake, Th.D.

In the book of Revelation, we have several glimpses of various groups that follow the Antichrist. To understand all that we are seeing in the book of Revelation, we need to understand how the Elite plans to divide up the inhabitants of the earth. I believe their blueprint is something very comparable to Plato’s Republic.

In this book, Plato postulates his version of the perfect society. This society is comprised of three groups of people:

1. The benevolent Elite, who are filled with great wisdom on how to govern this ultimate republic

2. The citizens/worker drones, who labor to produce what the Elite decree is necessary for this republic

3. The military/police force, which keeps the citizens in line and under the control of the Elite

In my new book The Shinar Directive I provide a hypothesis on how Plato’s Republic ties into what is being accomplished in transhumanism and how it works into the book of Revelation. (Remember, we are all still seeing “through a glass darkly.”)

The Elite: The Elite will enhance their minds and bodies to include achieving immortality. They will become like demigods (or posthumans).

The workers: The Elite will provide some of these benefits to regular members of society to overcome the cost of illness and, therefore, overcome periodic reduction in production of what they need. There will be sufficient modification to the DNA of the workers to remove the image of God within (i.e., mark of the Beast), thereby removing all concepts of right and wrong. The standard worker will not be able to afford the gift of immorality, but will have to settle for an extended life span, which will be extremely disease resistant. Some form of mind control or hive mind will most likely be included in the enhancements.

The military force: The Elite’s enforcers will be given more powerful bodies with greater life spans than the worker class and will have a perfected version of unbreakable mind control/hive mind installed. These military forces will be nearly impossible to kill, but will meet their end at the Valley of Armageddon.

And if this sounds too fantastic to be true, check out these couple of headlines at Raiders News Update just this week (if you follow Raiders you know they have been documenting the move toward transhumanism by DARPA, the Pentagon, the Department of Defense etc):

In fact the new SkyWatchTV will begin broadcasting soon after this article goes online and several of the first shows will be with me and Dr. Horn thoroughly discussing how quickly the so-called Hybrid Age is coming. When these developments are viewed through the lens of the book of Revelation, it all makes sense. All three classes of the coming Plato’s Republic could have received the mark of the Beast and have had their DNA changed. With elements of mind control installed within both the worker class and the military class, the world becomes “of one mind,” just like in the story of the Tower of Babel. The Elite will finally unify the entire planet toward completing the unfinished work of Nimrod.

But of course we also see in Revelation that one class of these new citizen-types are tormented in Revelation 9 by a transgenic horde. Death seems to flee from them, and they cannot die. They may also be the same segment of society that is thrown alive into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 19:20).


Furthermore, not all who receive the Mark of the Beast are immortal. Later, in Revelation 9, four angels are loosed (most likely Watchers) who either bring their own two-hundred-million-member army with them, or they take command of the transgenic army that was released earlier in the chapter. This army slays one-third of the population on the planet.

Then we find in Revelation 17:8:

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

It is clear from this Scripture that the one who ascended out of the pit is the Antichrist/Nimrod, and in my new book and on the upcoming SkyWatchTV shows I postulate how after receiving a deadly head-wound there is reason to believe genetic breakthroughs are used to "heal" him and he too becomes transgenic as did the original Nimrod (who the Bible says "began to be a Gibborim" (Gen 10:8).

Finally, you have a class of citizens whose names are not written in the Book of Life. Does this reflect the same estate as the original Nephilim (human-angel-animal chimeras) who also are not in the book of life and cannot be saved? Let us first examine what Dake says about the Book of Life in his Annotated Reference Bible:

This is the first mention of the book of God in which the names of the righteous are written. It is referred to in Scripture under various terms: “Thy book” and “My book” (Ex. 32:32–33); “the book of the living” (Ps. 69:28); “the book” (Dan. 12:1); “the book of life” (Php. 4:3; Rev. 3:5; 13:8; 17:8; 20:11–15; 22:18–19); and “the Lamb’s book of life” (Rev. 21:27). Just because “book of life” does not appear in all of these passages does not mean the reference in any one instance is to something else. Just as we have several names for the Bible—“the holy scriptures” (Rom. 1:2; 2Tim. 3:15); “the oracles of God” (Rom. 3:2; Heb. 5:12; 1 Pet. 4:11); “the law and the prophets” (Lk. 24:25–44); “the word of God” (Mk. 7:13; Rom. 10:17; Heb. 4:12); “the sword of the Spirit” (Eph. 6:17); and others—so we have several names for the book of life.

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The Shinar Directive – Part 11

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The Shinar Directive – Part 11

Did Nimrod Build More Than Just a “Tower”?

By Michael K. Lake, Th.D.

Is it possible that the Tower of Babel was more than just a tower? Was the tower built in a place where there was a dimensional portal to allow “the gods” to enter earth? Dr. Tom Horn shares this possibility in his book, Nephilim Stargates:


Scientist Stan Deyo has done analysis of a Tower of Babel Stele with speculation about whether the original Tower of Babel was actually designed to facilitate reaching “the heavens” as indicated in the comments above. Was it a building whose top was high enough to allow higher-dimensional beings to descend slowly while discharging voltage directly into the lower energy density universe? Deyo notes the uppermost portion of the stele may show a ‘bright’ or burning circular area, while the edges of the tower layers themselves are smooth like a high voltage insulator, as if for dissipating electricity. Stan emphasizes the analysis is inconclusive at this time, but it is interesting, given that beings who descended from heaven were typically accompanied by fire or lightning (electrical discharge ?), while beings that ASCEND from lower energy densities (regions) tend to cool the atmosphere, such as in the classic ‘ghost’ entering a room. Ancient artwork that may support this theory is widespread throughout ancient times including depictions of gods accompanied by fire.[i]

Perhaps Nimrod was diligently laboring to create more than just an interdimensional landing pad; it is quite possible that he was building an ancient interdimensional portal generator. It is quite possible that the wrath of God fell upon the tower because mankind was “of one mind” to create a mechanism to storm Heaven itself! Now, mind you, they had no better chance of winning than did Lucifer with one-third of the angels. However, their very audacity required an answer from Heaven.

Enter the Large Hadron Collider at CERN

There has been both excitement and dread among the scientific community regarding the experiments at the CERN Hadron Collider in Switzerland. While parts of the scientific community are wanting to find the “god particle,” others are fearful of either creating a tear in the very fabric of space-time or a black hole that could destroy the planet.[ii]

Since the news report above, CERN has powered up its collider several times and has conducted experiments. The scientific community has been both fascinated with the data gathered and has collectively exhaled with a sigh of relief. However, there is more to the story. These experiments were conducted with only a small fraction of the power the collider can generate and in 2015 the titanic machine will be fired up to generate a magnetic field that is 100,000 times more powerful than Earth’s!At that time, “The Large Hadron Collider could open a doorway to an extra dimension and ‘out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it,” has said Sergio Bertolucci, Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN. And Aurelien Barrau, French particle physicist at the CERN adds: “The idea of multiple universes is more than a fantastic invention and deserves to be taken seriously.” So were past experiments merely a “knocking on the door” of creating a dimensional portal? Perhaps we have several clues at CERN itself. The first is its logo.

clip_image004The CERN Hadron Collider has encoded within it the Illuminati signature of “666.” In the minds of many biblical researchers, the logo itself connects the collider with the coming Beast system. Some have speculated that the logo was only meant to resemblesynchrotron particle accelerators.[iii] Yet it is concerning to me that synchrotron particle accelerators create a 666 pattern. It is a common practice within esoteric societies to hide the truth in plain sight and to misinform the uninitiated as to the symbolism’s true meaning.

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The Shinar Directive–Part 10

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The Shinar Directive – Part 10

Dimensional Portals, Vile Vortices, And Their Ley Lines

By Michael K. Lake, Th.D.

Over the past century, the Elite have been influencing key world leaders and initiating them into luciferianism. From the United Nations to the Bohemian Grove, the signature of paganism and luciferianism can be clearly seen.

The UN Meditation Room


There is a special meditation room at the United Nations into which its leaders can go to meditate and pray. It is a starkly bare room—no symbols are there to identify the faith it represents. In the middle of the room is a jet-black altar made of iron. To the uninitiated, it would appear to be a peaceful place where all faiths can come to pray for world peace.

Here is the dedication that Dag Hammarskjöld, UN Secretary-General (1953–1961), wrote regarding this special room:

We all have within us a center of stillness surrounded by silence.

This house, dedicated to work and debate in the service of peace, should have one room dedicated to silence in the outward sense and stillness in the inner sense.

It has been the aim to create in this small room a place where the doors may be open to the infinite lands of thought and prayer.

People of many faiths will meet here, and for that reason none of the symbols to which we are accustomed in our meditation could be used.

However, there are simple things which speak to us all with the same language. We have sought for such things and we believe that we have found them in the shaft of light striking the shimmering surface of solid rock.

So, in the middle of the room we see a symbol of how, daily, the light of the skies gives life to the earth on which we stand, a symbol to many of us of how the light of the spirit gives life to matter.

But the stone in the middle of the room has more to tell us. We may see it as an altar, empty not because there is no God, not because it is an altar to an unknown god, but because it isdedicated to the God whom man worships under many names and in many forms.

The stone in the middle of the room reminds us also of the firm and permanent in a world of movement and change. The block of iron ore has the weight and solidity of the everlasting. It is a reminder of that cornerstone of endurance and faith on which all human endeavour must be based.

The material of the stone leads our thoughts to the necessity for choice between destruction and construction, between war and peace. Of iron man has forged his swords, of iron he has also made his ploughshares. Of iron he has constructed tanks, but of iron he has likewise built homes for man. The block of iron ore is part of the wealth we have inherited on this earth of ours. How are we to use it?

The shaft of light strikes the stone in a room of utter simplicity. There are no other symbols, there is nothing to distract our attention or to break in on the stillness within ourselves. When our eyes travel from these symbols to the front wall, they meet a simple pattern opening up the room to the harmony, freedom and balance of space.

There is an ancient saying that the sense of a vessel is not in its shell but in the void. So it is with this room. It is for those who come here to fill the void with what they find in their center of stillness.[iii]

Notice that the United Nation’s desire is to fulfill a Messianic promise of turning swords into plowshares—only without Jesus! However, there is a clue to the origin and purpose of this room that any Freemason (or member of any esoteric society) would recognize. The symbol is the room itself; it is trapezoid in shape. The room serves as a Masonic altar and represents the unfinished work of Nimrod. World leaders go there to meditate on how they can serve in the ongoing Masonic work of completing Nimrod’s plan on the earth.

Pieces to the Occult Puzzle Still Needed

In The Shinar Directive, I write many chapters outlining the unfinished work of Nimrod including the final pieces of the occult puzzle. These final pieces are necessary to complete the work, and the Elite are pouring billions of dollars into research through the various nations they control around the world.

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The Shinar Directive–Part 7

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The Shinar Directive – Part 7

The Institutes of Nimrod

By Michael K. Lake, Th.D.

shinar_concept_03Nimrod developed systems to replace man’s walk with God in every aspect of life with absolute dependence upon those systems of control (system vs. relationship). I believe there are three basic facets of Babylon or, as many prophecy teachers have designated, the “Three Babylons.”

In the last days, God will judge these three interlocking Babylons (or Babylonian systems). They are 1) Financial Babylon; 2)Political Babylon; and 3) Religious Babylon

Let’s define each of these for the sake of clarity.

Financial Babylon: Financial Babylon controls not only the finances of the world, but any resource that can translate into wealth: precious metals, gems, energy (oil, electric, nuclear power, etc.), water, food, medicine, illegal drugs, media, education, and even people (remember, in Babylon, people are considered a resource).

This financial control is established through an international, centralized banking system operated solely by the Elite. Nations no longer manage their currencies; they are handled through this central banking system. The Federal Reserve is no more controlled by the government than is Federal Express. Doc Marquis points out in his video series, The Secrets of the Illuminati, that all the nations involved in the War on Terror or those that are part of the Arab Spring (i.e., Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.) refused to become a part of the international, centralized banking system of the Rothschild dynasty. The turmoil within those nations is designed to change the governmental regimes to ones that will be more compliant to the control of their finances by Financial Babylon (with the side benefit of inflating the price of oil, another control mechanism). Usually, the first part of nation building that the US assists with, after the change in regimes, is the establishment of a centralized banking system.

I also believe that Financial Babylon is the most powerful of the three. Finances build political parties, fuel elections, sway politicians’ votes, control who gains media coverage, and even control which ministries move into prominence and whose messages are suppressed (although the Internet is currently giving voice to many faithful ministries today). This influence is so pervasive in the United States that, in a study published by Princeton University, researchers declared that our nation was no longer a democracy: it is now an oligarchy.[i] Wikipedia defines an oligarchy as follows:

Oligarchy (from Greek ὀλιγαρχία (oligarkhía); from ὀλίγος (olígos), meaning “few”, and ἄρχω (arkho), meaning “to rule or to command”) is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people. These people could be distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, education, corporate, or military control. Such states are often controlled by a few prominent families who typically pass their influence from one generation to the next, but inheritance is not a necessary condition for the application of this term.[ii]

How has America moved from a democracy to an oligarchy? The answer is: Through the riches and control of Financial Babylon. Without the proper financial backing, few candidates have any chance of winning elections.

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The Shinar Directive–Part 5

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The Shinar Directive — Part 5

Size & Scope of the Coming World Kingdom

By Michael K. Lake, Th.D.

Does the Word of God in Daniel give us a hint that the Antichrist will be able to reproduce the dark magic and scale of Nimrod’s empire?

Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. (Daniel 11:37)

Some have speculated that this refers to the Antichrist being a homosexual. Although it is true that most within the occult are bisexual (for use in ritual magic), I believe this is a prophetic clue linking the coming man of sin with Nimrod. This powerful working of dark magic and esoteric wisdom will be reproduced one more time in human history. The coming transmogrification of a man will invite Lucifer himself to come and coinhabit this enhanced man-god. He will become the reincarnation of Nimrod—the Antichrist!

Babylonian and Egyptian mysticism are still the leading spiritual forces within the winding currents of the mystery religions today. Egyptian Sex Magic, a product of Egyptian mysticism, is prominent in the teachings of Aleister Crowley, as well as the Ordo Templi Orientis and the Golden Dawn. It is also interwoven in the esoteric teachings of Freemasonry. In his internationally acclaimed book, Zenith 2016,Dr. Tom Horn reveals the Lost Symbol of Freemasonry:

Unrecognized by the vast majority of peoples around the world is the greatest conspiracy of all time, sitting right out in the open in Washington DC and at the Vatican. It is an ancient, magical, talismanic diagram—the Lost Symbol—which waits its final use by the hidden, occult hand guiding the Secret Destiny of America.[i]

It would seem that the Lost Symbol was designed utilizing ancient Watcher knowledge, handed down through the line of Ham, and was embedded in the occult religious practices of Egypt. Could the Lost Symbol be a Watcher-inspired spiritual/technological device designed to replicate the transformation of Nimrod? Will it one day produce a new man-god: Gibborim/Nephilim (Osiris made flesh)? The truth is that the physical occult symbols/devices have been in place for centuries, and practitioners of the occult have been going through the prescribed rituals with absolute devotion. Yet, through all of the centuries of faithful rehearsals, the equal to Nimrod has yet to be reproduced. Perhaps the realization of the next Nimrod will require intervention by the Watchers through a stargate (or dimensional portal) into our reality. On the other hand, maybe the last piece of the god-maker puzzle is still just waiting to be discovered in one of the world’s pyramids or ziggurats.

The Elite of the world are working behind the scenes with secret government agencies around the globe and the Transhumanist Movement community to unlock the secrets of Nimrod.

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The Shinar Directive–Part 1

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The Shinar Directive – Part One

Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition’s Return

Published: December 03, 2014

Introduction to concept

by Dr. Thomas R. Horn

clip_image002As far back as the beginning of time and within every major culture of the ancient world, an astonishingly consistent story is told of “gods” that descended from heaven and materialized in bodies of flesh. From Rome to Greece—and before that, to Egypt, Persia, Assyria, Babylonia, and Sumer—the earliest records of civilization tell of the era when powerful beings known to the Hebrews asWatchers and in the book of Genesis as the Benei ha-Elohim (“Sons of God”) mingled with humans, giving birth to part-celestial, part-terrestrial hybrids known as Nephilim. The Bible says this happened when men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them. When the Sons of God saw the women’s beauty, they took wives from among them to sire their unusual offspring. This event is recorded in Genesis 6:4 this way:

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

When this Scripture is compared with other ancient texts, including Enoch, Jubilees, Baruch, Genesis Apocryphon, Philo, Josephus, and others, it unfolds to some that the giants of the Old Testament, such as Goliath, were the part-human, part-animal, part-angelic offspring of a supernatural interruption into the divine order of the species. The apocryphal Book of Enoch gives a name to the angels involved in this cosmic conspiracy, calling them “Watchers.” We read:

And I Enoch was blessing the Lord of majesty and the King of the ages, and lo! the Watchers called me—Enoch the scribe—and said to me: “Enoch, thou scribe of righteousness, go, declare to the Watchers of the heaven who have left the high heaven, the holy eternal place, and have defiled themselves with women, and have done as the children of earth do, and have taken unto themselves wives: Ye have wrought great destruction on the earth: And ye shall have no peace nor forgiveness of sin: and inasmuch as they delight themselves in their children [the Nephilim], The murder of their beloved ones shall they see, and over the destruction of their children shall they lament, and shall make supplication unto eternity, but mercy and peace shall ye not attain.” (1 Enoch 10:3–8).

According to Enoch, two hundred of these powerful angels departed “high heaven” and used women (among other things) to extend their progeny into mankind’s plane of existence. Departing the proper habitation God had assigned them was grievous to the Lord and led to divine penalization. Jude described it this way:

[The] angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. (Jude 6)

Yet beyond such historical accounts from apocryphal, pseudepigraphic, biblical, and Jewish traditions related to the advent of the Watchers and the “mighty men” born of their union with humans, mythologized accounts say these “gods” used humans to produce demigods (half-gods). In fact, when the ancient Greek version of the Hebrew Old Testament (the LXX or Septuagint) was made, the word “Nephilim”—referring to the part-human offspring of the Watchers—was translated gegenes, the same terminology used by the Greeks to describe the Titans and other legendary heroes of partly celestial and partly terrestrial origin, such as Hercules (born of Zeus and the mortal Alcmena) and Gilgamesh (the two-thirds god and one-third human child of Lugalbanda and Ninsun).

clip_image004This is where things get quite interesting, as on the back cover of the upcoming book by Dr. Michael Lake (on which this new series is based) you will find an unsettling statement involving what some would call the greatest of all “demigods” on the ancient plains of Shinar—a geographical locale in ancient Mesopotamia that the Hebrew Bible refers to as Babylon—where an evil was born: the first world king, the prototype transhuman, the ultimate despot named Nimrod in the Bible, Osiris by the Egyptians, Gilgamesh by the Sumerians, and Apollo by the Greeks. This part-human hybrid was the original Son of Perdition who later devised the “Shinar Directive”—a plot to enslave humanity through a global false religion that would turn men against God and the order of His creation. Of course, we all know how God intervened at the Tower of Babel and dispersed Nimrod’s original coup, but few understand that this story is not over yet—it’s coming around and was prophesied to do so in a final end-times conflict during which the primeval powers of Mystery Babylon would gather to build a new Tower of Babel for Nimrod/Apollo’s second coming.

Over the years, my good friend and biblical scholar Gary Stearman has written extensively about the connection this historical figure had with the original Babylonian mystery religion as well as his reanimation in the end-times as Antichrist. “But who is this Assyrian[?]” he asked a while back. “He is none other than the spiritual inheritor of the first great post-Flood religious apostasy. He is the keeper of the great heritage that began at the Assyrian capital, Nineveh. Its founder was Nimrod.… He is the Antichrist, the future despot who comes in the name of the ancient mystery religion.”

Stearman continues:

He was a rebel who allowed himself to be worshipped as a god. After the Flood, his rebellion became the foundation of mankind’s greatest religious apostasy. Down through the generations, this system of false worship became known simply as the “Babylonian Mystery Religion.” Its basis is quite clear. It attempts to channel the power of the ancient gods through the figure of one, powerful man. Nimrod became that god.

Alexander Hislop, in his classic text, The Two Babylons, substantiates the thesis that the Babylonian mystery religion was based on the worship of this proto-Antichrist. “It was to glorify Nimrod that the whole Chaldean system of iniquity was formed,” he wrote.[i] Yet the mystery religion continued since its beginning secretly through the ages, shrouded in hiding by adepts of the occult in anticipation of a final moment when the ancient spirit should be awakened. Or, as Stearman put it:

Corrupt priesthoods have flourished, carrying with them the shadow of Nimrod and his ancient mysteries. Their inner secrets have been known by various names, including alchemy, magic, sorcery, conjuring, soothsaying and so forth.… waiting for the prophesied day when it would rise once again. [A movement that] will result in the reign of the Antichrist.

clip_image006Enter Dr. Michael Lake, founder and chancellor of Biblical Life College and Seminary, whose shocking essay you will be learning about—a thesis that argues beyond doubt that we have entered the final time frame in which the spirit of Nimrod/Apollo is rising. Dare I say, with this fresh and imaginative investigation, that Lake emerges as one of the most judicious observers of the ages harkening back to those ancient occult-science endeavors—from megalithic building sites to the founders of Atlantian-like societies that to this day astonish scholars and laymen alike. Yet, argues Lake, there is more. During this series and more completely in his upcoming book The Shinar Directive, he tackles the timeline between the first incursion of a mighty evil to its return and final encounter. Lake exceeds in making this near future chillingly ominous. Our eyes are opened to a biosphere and exosphere that have become a vast and stunningly dreadful battleground—a terrain as forgotten as prehistory, yet is as close to us now as our own tomorrow. This toxic reality was foreseen by Scriptures, both Old and New Testament, but soon will, by necessity, be traversed by gutsy end-time heroes, not highly trained black-ops teams or Elite commandos, but a triumphant Church!

In the end you will find the greatest achievements of The Shinar Directive are apt, profound, and conveyed in riveting fashion: With this work, the past and future legacy of wisdom and revelation clearly shine forth in multifaceted grandeur—from the forgotten “knowledge” of so-called “gods” and their reconnection to the latest scientific advances to the terrifying underbelly of a boiling Armageddon and, finally, the brilliant and thrilling endgame that God has in store for His own.

The journey begins in the next entry.


The Shinar Directive Interview

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The Shinar Directive Interview with Derek Gilbert and Dr. Michael K. Lake

shinar_concept_03At the end of October, I was invited to the new SkyWatchTV studio to film a pilot episode with Gary Stearman.  There were also several other Christian authors to film episodes as well.  I had the pleasure of meeting Derek and Sharon Gilbert.  The Gilberts host two radio/podcast shows:  PID Radio and View from My Dunker, as well as authoring several books on end-time prophecy.  During our visit in Crane, MO, Derek was kind enough to interview me regarding my new book, The Shinar Directive.  The Gilberts have given me permission to rebroadcast that episode for Kingdom Intelligence Briefing.



The Shinar Directive is scheduled for release on November 30 and is already available for preorder on  Preorder the Shinar Directive Here.
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Biblical Life TV–Remnant Boot Camp Part 6

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Remnant Boot Camp – Part 6

Biblical Life TV – BLTV-EP6

In this episode we examine John’s use of the term "Antichrist," and how there are many "antichrists" in the world.   An overview is given of both Nimrod and the Babylonian system he created.

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