Blood on the Altar

Free End-Time Prophecy Seminar to Prepare the Remnant with Kingdom Power.

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Free End-Time Prophecy Seminar to Prepare the Remnant with Kingdom Power.

Are You Equipped for the Last Days?

It seems like things are spiraling out of control around the world! The Luciferian Elite are working overtime to bring about end-time events. Yet in the midst of all of this, God has a plan! The Word of God tells us that there will be times like this in the last days.

Hebrews 12:27-29 (KJV)
27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. 28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: 29 For our God is a consuming fire. (emphasis added)

Learn how we can “Overcome as End-Time Prophecy Unfolds.” It is time that we all become skillful in functioning in that Kingdom that cannot be moved!

This seminar (and all other materials offered in this email) is taught by Michael K. Lake, Th.D. Dr. Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary, is a contributing author of the best-selling book, “Blood on the Altar: The Coming Christian vs. Christian War,” and the author of the soon-to-be-released book, “The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Return of the Son of Perdition.”

This powerful seminar was recorded live in New York City in June of this year. In this free seminar, you will learn:

  • How to open our eyes to the bigger picture of end-time prophecy.
  • God knew what we would be facing today before He said, “Light be.”
  • The strategic value of First John in the Last Days.
  • What is the difference between a biblical Christian and a religious one?
  • How God can bring order in the midst of Satan’s chaos.
  • How to walk in perpetual fellowship and power in the Kingdom of God.
  • The conflict today between the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error.
  • The coming conflict in the Body of Christ. Blood on the Altar: The Coming Christian vs. Christian War.

· Bonus Session from Yeshiva in September: The Issachar Anointing and the Last Days.

· Bonus Video Series: Remnant Boot Camp: Preparing the Remnant to Move in the Kingdom in the Last Days.

Overcoming as End-Timing Prophecy Unfolds Seminar

The seminar is in downloadable MP3 audio files. The syllabus is in PDF.

Remnant Boot Camp – Preparing the Remnant for the Last Days.

Additional Bonus Material. Video Sessions on YouTube and MP3 Audio.

Scriptural keys to moving in the Kingdom in the Last Days!

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Session 7

Session 8

Session 9

Session 10

These free resources have been sponsored by:

Biblical Life College and Seminary


“Training God’s People for Effective Ministry”

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing


“Preparing the Remnant for the Unfolding of End-Time Prophecy”

Important Biblical Life Update–August 2014

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Exciting News at Biblical Life College and Seminary

We have been so busy with new projects at Biblical Life that we just realized it has been awhile since we provided you with an update. Here are some exciting things going on with the overall ministry:

1. New Adjunct Faculty Members Have Been Added

Over the summer, we have invited several ministers that are making a powerful difference in the Body of Christ to become Adjunct Professors at BLCS. Please welcome two of our newest adjunct professors:

Dr. John D. Garr

Dr. Garr is one of the most prolific authors in the Hebraic Heritage movement today. Over the years, he has written over a dozen books that have become a staple in Bible colleges, home fellowships, and minister’s libraries around the world. Some of his books include: Our Lost Legacy, The Hem of His Garment, God’s Lamp – Man’s Light, Family Worship: Making Your Home a House of God, and many more. He is the found of the Hebraic Heritage Global Community and Golden Key Books. He has appeared on the Daystar Christian Network, and his seminars on our Hebraic heritage are in demand worldwide. Dr. Garr is also an alumnus of Biblical Life College and Seminary.

Rob Skiba

Rob Skiba is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and the best-selling author of several non-fiction books including: Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last and Archon Invasion: The Rise, Fall and Return of the Nephilim. As an "ancient Nephilim theorist," Rob brings a unique and often unheard Biblical perspective to the UFO/alien discussion. He is now an internationally recognized public speaker on these subjects, often appearing on paranormal and prophecy talk shows and as a featured, keynote speaker at conferences all around the world.

As a graduate of the Hollywood Film Institute, his life-long dream has been to produce powerful television and motion picture productions. He is currently working full-time on the development and production of SEED the series.

2. The Rebranding of Our Podcast and the New Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Website

We have been quite pleased with the effectiveness of the Biblical Life Deep Waters Podcast. There is not a week that goes by that we hear how much the podcast has blessed someone’s life. We are expanding the format of the podcast to include interviews with men and women that are on the cutting edge of what God is doing in the earth today. The new, enhanced podcast will serve as a Kingdom Intelligence Briefing for the Body of Christ. Beyond the podcast, we have set up a special website that will include:

  • · Outlines of the information shared on each podcasts.
  • · Links to download additional resources.
  • · Announcements of new book releases.
  • · Articles that deal with end-time prophecy, revival, and spiritual warfare.

We invite you to visit the new site often and to share it with your friends and colleagues.

3. Blood on the Altar is Now a Number 1 Best-seller on Amazon

As many of you know, best-selling Christian author, Dr. Tom Horn, has released a new collaborative book entitled, “Blood on the Altar: the Coming Christian vs. Christian War.” Contributing authors include: Gary Stearman (Prophecy in the News), Dr. Chuck Missler (Koinonia House and Koinonia Institute), Cris Putnam (Internationally respected researcher), Dr. Michael Lake (Biblical Life College and Seminary), and many others.

This book has been a number 1 best-seller on for eight weeks straight. There have been reports of revival and ministries purchasing the book by the case for their members.

This book provides key prophetic insights into the days ahead from men and women with a proven track record of understanding the times we are living in. Blood on the Altar contains vital information that you, your family, and your church needs to know.

Blood on the Altar is available on and

4. What Witches Don’t Want Christians to Know – Expanded Edition is Now Available

Were covert experiments, involving mind control and the occult, conducted in the areas surrounding military bases throughout the United States?  
The pages of this book recount some shocking events in a small town in Missouri. Mary Lake had struggled with depression for years and couldn’t find the joy that the Scriptures indicate is available to all Christians. In her quest to find answers, she was not only healed and delivered, but this process uncovered a startling revelation of dark practices in the small town where she was raised. God shined the light on some of Satan’s greatest secrets. In this book, she shares how God protected her family from assassination attempts and face-to-face encounters with Satan’s followers, who were desperately trying to keep their secrets hidden. She also shares the truths that her family learned during this process that were essential for their safety, as she endeavored to break down the prison doors for the people that she loved. These biblical truths will help any Christian family stay under the protective cover of Almighty God.

Mary has expanded her book with even more information that exposes the darkness being perpetrated on unsuspecting citizens in countless communities across the nation. It also provides God’s answer to counteract the occult’s influence in our churches and lives.

Order your copy today.

5. Fall Enrollment Drive at Biblical Life College and Seminary Has Begun

Summer is winding down, and it is time to focus once again on the education you need to be successful in the ministry.  Whether you are just starting out in the first year of Bible College or you are wanting to complete an advanced Seminary degree in ministry, now is the time to enroll.  

To help you move forward, BLCS is making the following discounts available for a limited time.  This will be the last time in 2014 that we will offer savings like this.

Enroll Using Plan B (Monthly Payment Plan)

You will receive a $50.00 gift certificate toward materials from BLCS at enrollment and another $50.00 gift certificate after six months of being faithful in your monthly payments.

Enroll Using Plan C (Full Payment with Enrollment)

If you enroll and pay full tuition with enrollment, you will receive the following discounts:

  • All Undergraduate Programs and all 30 to 60 SCH Masters Programs:  35% Discount on Tuition.
  • All Master of Divinity and Doctoral Programs:  40% Discount on Tuition.

This offer is good from July 25 through September 30, 2014.

To qualify for these offers, BLCS must receive your enrollment application with payment by September 30, 2014.  Please write “BLCS Fall 2014 Enrollment Drive” on the top of your application form.


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Thomas Horn’s explosive exposé remains at top spot of several lists

Published: August 3, 2014

SPRINGFIELD – Thomas Horn’s exposé of growing persecution of Christians skyrocketed to No. 1 on several book seller lists (including weeks before its release—where it remains a full month after it first hit retailer shelves.

Blood On The Altar: The Coming War Between Christian vs. Christian is the result of over a year of solid investigations into the growth of Christian persecution in the United States and abroad.

With the help of twelve well-known co-authors, the brand new title from Defender Publishing’s CEO cites recent reports starting with the Pew Research Center (PRC)—a prestigious think tank based in Washington, DC (which provides information on social issues and demographic trends shaping the world)—whose January 2014 report, "Religious Hostilities Reach Six-Year High,” chronicled the steady growth of religious persecution around the world. The PRC study found that social hostilities involving religion are currently most frequently directed against people of Christian faith. A report from the non-denominational group Open Doors confirmed the PRC findings, saying the number of Christians martyred around the world for their faith nearly doubled in 2013. It’s a frightening trend that shows no sign of halting.

Besides the Middle East, where persecution of Christians has been growing, the Pew findings also detail an escalation in the United States from the lowest category of government restrictions on Christian expressions as of mid-2009 to an advanced category in only three years, where it appears poised to continue upward at the time the investigative book Blood on the Altar headed to the printer. “If recent activity is any indication, it may not be long before ‘one nation under God’ joins those red-listed countries where Bible-based believers find themselves under the most severe discrimination,” writes Horn.

National Review Online supports Horn’s criticism of current US policy. In a recently posted review by Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, the 2014 World Watch List (which ranks the fifty nations where Christians are most persecuted) is cited to determine that the US has become “the chief facilitator of the persecution of Christians around the world today.” While Ibrahim’s assertion mostly reflects American involvement in foreign conflicts, examples of repression in the US against people of Christian faith are growing, and examples are easily obtained online.

But Blood on the Altar goes beyond journalists and think tanks to expose the dangerous culture war that is dividing churches and pitting “Christian against Christian” over issues like gay marriage, ecumenism, and even Obama’s healthcare policies (where, despite a recent Supreme Court ruling [the “Hobby Lobby” case], polls show a whopping majority of Americans by a margin of two-to-one disagree with the Supreme Court and want federal mandates against Christians in such cases).

The surprising reaction to Blood on the Altar prompted the top-ranking radio show Hagmann & Hagmann to invite Horn on with veteran broadcaster Stephen Quayle to discuss (for a lengthy six hours) what some are calling “the best radio series of all time.” On that program (which remained the number one BlogTalkRadio News show in the world for several weeks) Horn broke new territory that ranged from social issues to science and technology. He discussed how these will play a role in what he called “a coming war on real Christianity,” generating commentary from blogs and news sites around the globe and sparking controversy.

Co-author Dr. Michael Lake, a Christian college president in Missouri, reported just last week that Blood on the Altar may also be stirring things up in churches. “I just got off the phone with a pastor in New York City,” Lake told Horn in an email. “I was in NYC to present the seminar I developed that included the book, Blood on the Altar. At the seminar, there were about 80 pastors and bishops representing 65 or so churches in NYC with attendance anywhere from several hundred to a thousand or more. […] This pastor informed me that he has been preaching from the syllabus and Blood on the Altar for the past week or so, and that many of the other pastors have been doing the same thing. Those churches have been moved to repentance for becoming lukewarm. Revival is beginning to start…even among the teenagers!”

This was great news to Horn. A goal of the book from the beginning has been that people might receive the work as a significant warning before it is too late and act upon the facts by diligently praying and offering up true repentance.

Billy Graham’s son is calling for the same thing. In an article on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s website, Franklin Graham recently posted:

Hardly a day passes that I don’t hear someone say, “We are losing our country; we are losing our churches.”

While doomsday appears to be knocking at our door, let me take you back to the early 1800s. Many think of it as “the good old days,” but history tells us that society, even then, was as bad as it could get at that time. John Marshall, chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, wrote to President James Madison and said, “The church is too far gone ever to be redeemed.” When we examine why, we find that preachers had stopped preaching the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the people were not hearing God’s Word.

What changed? Christians began to diligently pray for revival—and the result was the Second Great Awakening. When people’s prayers stormed the heavens, and when the Bible was opened in the pulpits and the Word of God proclaimed by passionate preachers, the church was awakened from slumber by the Holy Spirit, who moved in hearts, spreading revival throughout the heartland of America.

(Graham’s mention of the Great Awakenings and statement that it is time for another such occurrence gave Horn an idea: Why not publish the sermons that were delivered by the preachers of the Great Awakenings and give those to people who buy Blood on the Altar? That idea evolved to include some other resources and even a way for people to get the new book free, which one can learn about by following the graphic-link at the top of the webpage here:

Another of the authors in Blood on the Altar is Dr. Chuck Missler—a well-known Christian apologist and founder of the Koinonia House ministry based in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. He, too, believes there could be a light at the end of the tunnel regarding Christian persecution. As conservative believers find it increasingly difficult to attend liberal (and sometimes hostile) churches, he relates:

There is presently a groundswell across America—as in many other parts of the world—in which people are meeting in small groups in homes during the week, rediscovering the Bible, and enjoying a more intimate fellowship than they find in “Sunday church.” Many of these are encouraged and supported by their formal church associations; others simply meet independently. This is especially true of many young people, to whom “Sunday church” is a spectator sport, and who seek more personal participation and accountability.

After all, this is the way it all began: twelve guys along the seashore with their Teacher. All the remarkable episodes of the early church in the book of Acts occurred in homes. It wasn’t until the fourth century that edifices began to be erected, when Christians exchanged the rags of the caves for the silks of the court. And committed ambassadors were replaced with hirelings, inserted between an attendee and the Word itself.

In more than sixty years as a practicing Christian, the place that I’ve always seen people really grow spiritually is within small group Bible studies: where they can ask questions and hold each other accountable.

Do these hopes imply, as some believe, that the increase in persecution of true believers around the world today may presage an imminent, latter-day awakening…a revival in the purest sense of the word? Thomas Horn sure hopes so. But one thing he’s certain of: Growing animosity against Christians is a real and present danger that is only going to worsen in the days ahead.

“Between now and that climactic encounter when the supernatural battle spoken of in the Bible’s books of prophecy begins in earnest, we can expect the divide between religious and authentic Christianity to deepen,” he writes. “It is hard for us to imagine that, in places like the United States, true believers could someday be burned alive in churches, but it is happening in Nigeria now. It is hard for us to perceive that some might be beheaded, but this is a reality in Syria today. We can hardly fathom good people being crucified alive, but Pakistani Christians are living with this nightmare now. And in the United States, that city on a hill once listed among the safest locations on earth for Christians, a tide of anti-Christ sentiment has in only the last few years pushed this country into a category recently reserved for only those governments that restrict and criminalize expressions of real Christianity. How many more years will people be able to buy a book like this before it is banned?”

We cannot answer that question. At least for now, people are buying it by the case.


Blood on the Altar Book is Now Available!

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New Blood on Altar Banner

Blood on the Altar Book Now Available

BLOOD ON THE ALTAR: The Coming War Between Christian vs. Christian

As the world races toward its momentous end-times encounter between good and evil (known in the Bible as Armageddon), a deepening antagonism is developing worldwide against conservative Christians. According to a 2014 Pew Research Center report, this hostility now includes the United States, which elevated from the lowest category of government restrictions on Christian expressions as of mid-2009 to an advanced category in only the last three years. This trend may point to one of the most overlooked aspects of Bible prophecy—a war that ultimately pits born-again believers against religious Christians.


· Read the Global developments that indicate Antichrist is on Earth and preparing to emerge

· Become acquainted with the government report on how true believers will be driven underground

· Understand how Religious Christians are set to join Antichrist in persecuting those born-again

· Discover how university experiments prove a “Lucifer Effect” is concealed within all humanity

· Learn how scientists have isolated the “Evil Gene” that will transform the armies of the Beast

· Grasp the social implications involving technology that will be used for the final battle

· Hear the new theory of the “Image of the Beast” that has powerful implications about man

· Walk with the authors as they disclose the occult organizations devising psychotronic weapons

· Realize what Jesus meant by the “Days of Noah” and its connection to new genetic horrors

· Uncover how the Mark of the Beast will “change” those who receive it into murderers

In Blood on the Altar: The Coming War Between Christian vs. Christian, leading national and international researchers, scholars, authors, and speakers share urgent information and specialized knowledge about this coming war and what you can do to prepare for it.

Contributing authors: Thomas Horn, Gary Stearman, Chuck Missler, Cris Putnam, Michael Lake, Sharon Gilbert, Derek Gilbert, Larry Spargimino, Paul McGuire, Douglas W. Krieger, S. Douglas Woodward, and Terry James, with foreword by Stephen Quayle.


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The Coming War Between Christian vs. Christian


At the time he was rising to global power, Hitler’s audience was Catholic, but his announcement of the Concordat with Rome (the papal agreement, July 5, 1933) had meaning to Protestants as well.

The message was obvious and clear: Friendly relations—relations that are inclusive of the church—must be the norm in a resurgent Germany. “The fact that the Vatican is concluding a treaty with the new Germany means the acknowledgement of the National Socialist state by the Catholic Church. This treaty shows the whole world clearly and unequivocally that the assertion that National Socialism [Nazism] is hostile to religion is a lie.”[i]

Hitler was even more effusive about the value of Nazism to benefit the church:

While we destroyed the Center Party [a Catholic political party[ii]], we have not only brought thousands of priests back into the Church, but to millions of respectable people we have restored their faith in their religion and in their priests. The union of the Evangelical Church in a single Church for the whole Reich, the Concordat with the Catholic Church, these are but milestones on the road, which leads to the establishment of a useful relation and a useful co-operation between the Reich and the two Confessions.[iii]

Furthermore, it was essential to separate the realms of personal faith from political action. Hitler’s “spheres of function” were altogether essential insofar as the church’s dominion was concerned, for without the spiritual health of Germany, there would be no political health. But he also took a hard line to distinguish their responsibilities: The church was to look after the spiritual and moral health of the flock—the state would tend to its material need:

The German Church and the People are practically the same body. Therefore there could be no issue between Church and State. The Church, as such, has nothing to do with political affairs. On the other hand, the State has nothing to do with the faith or inner organization of the Church.[iv]

The National Socialist State professes its allegiance to positive Christianity. It will be its honest endeavor to protect both the great Christian Confessions in their rights, to secure them from interference with their doctrines (Lehren), and in their duties to constitute a harmony with the views and the exigencies of the State of today.[v]

So long as they concern themselves with their religious problems the State does not concern itself with them. But so soon as they attempt by any means whatsoever—by letters, Encyclical, or otherwise—to arrogate to themselves rights which belong to the State alone we shall force them back into their proper spiritual, pastoral activity.[vi]

In other words, both church and state must reassure its denizens the institution exists to provide for their well-being. But it is, from Hitler’s perspective, necessary that they split duties. Keep the church’s message personal and positive while the state should keep on its message of economic welfare for all (sound familiar as of late?). And of course, the supremacy of the state must be upheld. It was never to be questioned. The state dictated the role of the church. Furthermore, it mandated that any criticism of the state would not be tolerated.

Movement afoot for a new National Socialism between politics & religion?

Moreover, upon close inspection, Hitler would “gerrymander” the territory of the state whenever it suited him. Some theological modifications would be necessary. In a Germany liberated from the “old-fashioned” faith, the church should dismiss any talk of humankind’s sinful inclinations and its need for repentance. Evil must be mitigated—more specifically, downgraded—and reduced in substance to “mistakes” and not the more menacing notion of sin.Defects in human behavior amount to little more than “poor choices.” Thus, with sin redefined and evil eliminated as a “metaphysical reality,”[vii] the gospel was compromised and the church complicit. It could then pray reverently with the Führer:

We want honestly to earn the resurrection of our people through our industry, our perseverance, and our will. We ask not of the Almighty, “Lord, make us free!”—we want to be active, to work, to agree together as brothers, to strive in rivalry with one another to bring about the hour when we can come before Him and when we may ask of Him: “Lord, Thou seest that we have transformed ourselves, the German people is no longer the people of dishonor, of shame, of war within itself, of faintheartedness and little faith: no, Lord, the German people has become strong again in spirit, strong in will, strong in endurance, strong to bear all sacrifices.” “Lord, we will not let Thee go: bless now our fight for our freedom; the fight we wage for our German people and Fatherland.”[viii]

Furthermore, while the Führer did not directly confront Christian sensibilities, his prayer led one to conjecture as to what “positive Christianity” involved, and exactly what its opposite—“negative Christianity”—would entail. No doubt his listeners let the matter drop without questioning the meaning behind his exhortation for accentuating a “positive Christianity.” In contradistinction, like observing a lit firecracker failing to pop, we should be very alarmed when such a loaded phrase lies dormant for too long. Observers must be asleep if they have no apprehension about when the firecracker will detonate.

To the wary spectator, Hitler’s statement anticipated a pause “for the other shoe to drop.” And yet, assuming nothing but good intent from the Führer, the audience did not worry one iota that another shoe would hit the floor. Instead, they were enraptured by Hitler’s acclamation:

MY LORD AND SAVIOR…IN THE BOUNDLESS LOVE AS A CHRISTIAN…HE HAD TO SHED HIS BLOOD UPON THE CROSS. My feelings as a Christian point me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them [Peter should take up his sword, rather than put it away]. This is God’s truth! He was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.[ix] (emphasis added)

The notion that the Messiah was himself NOT Jewish was a view propounded by Richard Wagner, the famous German composer whose operas were expressions of the nineteenth-century German zeitgeist (the “spirit of the age”). Unquestionably, Hitler’s favorite composer, Wagner, stirred Hitler’s soul to envision a revived, irrepressible, and vengeful Germany. During World War II, Wagner’s legacy lived on as his music filled the putrefied air of Holocaust death camps. As a result, survivors would forever associate Wagner with Auschwitz. This was no disservice to Wagner—for he believed that Christ was Aryan, not Jewish. And like Friedrich Nietzsche, the “Philosopher Emeritus” of the German people (a good friend of Wagner until their falling out), he believed the German soul must not be dragged down by the “slave mentality” of the Jew. Consequently, it logically followed that Jesus could never be considered a Jew. To the aspiring German mindset, the Jews were a millstone about their necks. The Hebrew religion bestowed nothing but restrictive laws and depressive guilt. It was time for Germany to cast aside the Jewish mentality and its stifling effect upon the soul of humankind, but especially their Aryan race!

As to Nietzsche, he famously asserted a philosophy known as the will to power. To the extent Jesus allowed Himself to be crucified, to that same extent Jesus was Himself the anti-Christ. For Nietzsche, Jesus’ commitment to die for the sin of the world was nothing but a death wish to be condemned and repudiated. For him, Jesus’ willingness to lay down His life remains the source of so much nonsense contaminating the true purpose for religion. Instead, a “true confession” encourages struggle! (Mein Kampf, of course, means “My Struggle.”) For Nietzsche, suffering saves no one. Moreover, this must be the stalwart creed of all true believers. The gospel of Wagner, Nietzsche, and especially Adolf Hitler held in common a disdain for the Jew.

The duty to be a fighter for truth, justice, (and the German way) comprises, of course, the motto of Superman, the quintessential American superhero. Indeed, less feted translators often seek to convey the meaning of Nietzsche’sÜbermensch with the expression “superman.” However oversimplified this one-word translation (especially vulgar to the sophisticated), nonetheless, it likewise urges those loyal to Old Glory—the red, white, and blue—to stand and be counted! America boasts the greatest military ever assembled. Any concept of redemptive suffering preached from the Bible by ignoble vicars of Christ surely misses the mark. Turning the other cheek (Matt. 5:39) cannot be what Christ actually meant. “Fight back! Don’t get mad—get even!” Of course, the German people in the 1920s and 1930s were a frustrated, defeated people, wearing anger on their sleeves right below their swastikas.

Americans do not feel compelled to take such overt military action. Discretion is the better part of valor. We much prefer to keep our battles on the “down low,” equipping our intelligence services to act covertly (witness the current, 2013 conflict regarding the National Security Agency’s mining of private phone and Internet data, spying on multiple foreign [friendly] governments, accessing and cataloguing private data of one hundred million Americans, as well as the intrusive behavior of the Treasury Department’s Internal Revenue Service), requiring our special forces to operate in darkness, and necessitating US sorties of the aeronautical kind be carried out in stealth mode. As the military is wont to say, “We own the night.” Unlike the saints to whom Paul addressed his letters, one could argue, that in the last one hundred years, the US government has seldom sought to be mistaken for children of the day.

Hating in the Name of Christ and Country

The unity of the church was important to Hitler. He could not consummate his grand plan without the support of the church. He required his backside be covered. Consequently, it was crucial that disputes in the church be silenced, if for no other reason than to keep quarrels from bubbling over into matters of state and distracting the populace from the bellicose but sacred duty before them.

It will at any rate be my supreme task to see to it that in the newly awakened NSDAP [Nazi Party], the adherents of both Confessions can live peacefully together side by side in order that they may take their stand in the common fight against the power, which is the mortal foe of any true Christianity [as Hitler would define it].[x]

This is for us a ground for satisfaction, since we desire that the fight in the religious camps should come to an end…all political action in the parties will be forbidden to priests for all time, happy because we know what is wanted by millions who long to see in the priest only the comforter of their souls and not the representative of their political convictions.[xi](emphasis added)

Furthermore, Hitler required that the church’s energy contribute to the Fatherland’s fighting spirit. Christ must not be seen as the Prince of Peace. Religious fires must burn brightly on his (Hitler’s) behalf.

So far as the Evangelical Confessions are concerned, we are determined to put an end to existing divisions, which are concerned only with the forms of organization, and to create a single Evangelical Church for the whole Reich… And we know that were the great German reformer [Martin Luther] with us today he would rejoice to be freed from the necessity of his own time and, like Ulrich von Hutten [1488–1523, an outspoken German scholar, poet, and reformer], his last prayer would be not for the Churches of the separate States: it would be of Germany that he would think…and of the Evangelical Church of Germany [Hitler loved putting words in the mouth of Martin Luther].[xii]

After all, to Hitler, the real enemy was the “international Jew.” Christianity must unite, Catholics and Protestants, laity and priesthood—“against the power”—i.e., the international Jewish conspiracy that, he argued, warred against the church of Jesus Christ and the German people. Not that this tactic was especially risky. His approach was tried and true: Unite around a well-defined, mutual foe. Foment hatred against the scapegoat. Exaggerate images to make plain their villainous ways. Build the faithful into the “hammer of God”—make it an instrument of righteous indignation such as is developing now against the viewpoints of Born Again believers around the world.

“And the founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of his estimation of the Jewish people. When He found it necessary, He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God.” (Hitler, Mein Kampf, p. 174)

Impulse for a New Hitler-Style Christian Ecumenism?

The pathway to co-opt the church in America today first requires the encouragement of unity within the varied hallowed institutions, then secondly, aligning them according to the preferred political agenda. The broad strategy for managing religious institutions has not changed all that much over the past eighty years—although selected tactics do differ.

So what is the method to achieve an ecumenical union? It involves reconstructing the Christian message. Building unity in the contemporary church comprises a modern-day equivalent to building the tower of Babel. The most relevant message, what will really bring us together as one, requires the church to substitute the content of the gospel with a message of confusion, which is what “Babel” means. How can this be accomplished? By creating confusion over the nature of good and evil. We could say that reaching new heights in cooperation with other beliefs and faiths is not based upon clear communication and seeing things eye to eye. It is about not seeing things at all.“Coming together” necessitates closing one’s eyes to see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. The less said the better. Indeed, regarding traditional Judeo-Christian values, the nature of sin, and the reality of evil in particular, stand out like sore thumbs. Therefore, church leadership in its aspiration seeks to be mainstream. Americans must paper over the notion of sin and evil with platitudes of self-improvement, overcoming self-doubt, as well as proclaiming health and wealth to magically make their congregations (and especially them) wealthy. In today’s evangelical church, it is most certainly about expressing a positive Christianity! Hitler would feel especially vindicated if he attended the typical mega church and listened to the sermons there.[xiii] Christianity has been effectively shorn of biblical discernment and blinded to the reality of evil as it presents itself in our world today.

Diminishing doctrine as an essential element in “confessional Christianity” is hardly new. Liberal Christian churches dispensed with meaningful theological content decades ago. They embraced a social gospel, replete with platitudes of pluralism, while promoting the practice of social good works, unwittingly leading to greater government intervention and involvement in the church. When American theologians sentenced God to death in the 1960s, they simultaneously (albeit unwittingly) assigned their own ecclesiastical institutions to death row. Fifty years ago, they reduced the gospel to what was left over after so-called science ravaged the Bible. Theology became nothing more than existential philosophy. The meaning of being a Christian amounted to repeating holy words in ritual ceremonies. It did not matter how far out (i.e., how “supernatural”) the notions of the original creeds or “Psalters” were. Theology became applied psychology. It was reconstructed to be a frame of mind or, better yet, a mental state. Once the creeds had been ransacked of all calls to spiritual transformation and relieved of all genuine miracles recorded in the Bible, what remained was Friedrich Schleiermacher’s “feeling of absolute dependence,” Paul Tillich’s ruminations about God as the “ground of being,” or Karl Jaspers’ yearning for an “ultimate experience.” Consequently, today’s mainstream churches are now so emaciated it is a wonder they have not already given up the ghost.

In contrast, today’s evangelical churches (that proclaim that oh-so-positive message) swarm with “believers.” But the question is, “What do they believe in?” To be sure, there are many assemblies of faithful, believing Christians who keep science in its place and rightly esteem spiritual reality; who regard the Bible as God’s Word; and rely upon the Spirit of Christ to be an ever-present reality in their daily lives―not so much as an emotional impulse stimulating a mystical faith, but as an enabling power to conquer the challenging circumstances of everyday life. On the other hand, as we contend, the most well-known churches appear guilty of depriving their congregations of meaningful content—biblically based content. It is almost as if the gospel so successfully preached there today is derived from aphorisms in Poor Richard’s Almanac: “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Or to misquote a famous mega-church preacher: “It IS about you!” Or worse yet, the evangelical message transforms spirituality into a transaction: You do “x” and God does “y.” “Give and it shall be given to you”—not out of need but out of greed. Godguarantees our destiny to be healthy, wealthy, and wise (although the last item in this threesome is not always requested). At issue is only whether you count yourself entitled to merchandise from the heavenly commissary, stocked wall to wall to assure your material needs are met in full.

Betraying the Meaning of the Kingdom of God

After the death of Pope Pius XI in 1939, the electoral procedure to seat another pope began. The election favored Eugenio Pacelli (1876–1958), and four days later, Pacelli made it clear that he would handle all German affairs personally. He proposed the following to Hitler:

To the Illustrious Herr Adolf Hitler, Führer and Chancellor of the German Reich! Here at the beginning of our Pontificate, we wish to assure you that we remain devoted to the spiritual welfare of the German people entrusted to your leadership.…During the many years we spent in Germany, we did all in our power to establish harmonious relations between Church and State. Now that the responsibilities of our pastoral function have increased our opportunities, how much more ardently do we pray to reach that goal. May the prosperity of the German people and their progress in every domain come, with God’s help, to fruition![xiv]

Pacelli was crowned pope on March 12, 1939 (becoming Pius XII). The following month, on April 20, 1939, at Pius XII’s expressed wish, Archbishop Orsenigo, the nuncio (ambassador) in Berlin, opened a gala reception for Hitler’s fiftieth birthday. The birthday greetings thus initiated by Pacelli immediately became a tradition: Each April 20 during the few years left to Hitler and his Reich, Cardinal Bertram of Berlin would send “warmest congratulations to the Führer in the name of the bishops and the dioceses in Germany,” to which he added “fervent prayers which the Catholics in Germany are sending to heaven on their altars.”[xv] The walls of the kingdom of God were thoroughly breached. The homogenization of church and state was complete.

In 1939, Adolf Hitler summarized why he was so confident that the Third Reich was imminent: “The National Socialist Movement has wrought this miracle. If Almighty God granted success to this work, then the Party was His instrument.”[xvi] In retrospect, the reader would be hard pressed to find a historical leader who levered faith, however skewed, more effectively as a power tool for REALPOLITIK. Hitler was almost unparalleled in the annals of leadership as a champion for the relevance of spiritual belief. He saw man created by God, rewarded for his reliance upon God, and sustained when cooperating with Him on a grand scale. In Hitler, we confront a leader who abandoned all self-consciousness—he was so tightly coupled with his constituency that they became of one mind. Yes, he learned the craft of public speaking like few others—maybe better than anyone. But we are dangerously mistaken if we regard his fervor as only an act. NO, he believed in what he was doing. He lost himself in his cause.

He was not tepid in faith, darting hither and thither, equivocating whenever the opportunity afforded itself. To the contrary, the leader of the Third Reich was a champion of conviction that was so “in your face” it was contagious. If faith wavered, Hitler reinstated it, bolstering public confidence in his program for a new Germany. His power hinged on claiming that a brilliant destiny lay at Germany’s feet. God’s providence guaranteed success. In every darkened pathway, he claimed God would enlighten the path and keep National Socialism on track because it fulfilled the Almighty’s plan. Hitler pleaded it, believed in it, and “owned” what he stridently confessed. All doubt concerning Germany’s mission fled from his presence, because, as far as he was concerned, God mandated that the German people be ultimately victorious. History would demonstrate divine preference. God would honor Hitler’s unfeigned devotion to his people. Listen to his confident faith:

In this hour I would ask of the Lord God only this: that, as in the past, so in the years to come He would give His blessing to our work and our action, to our judgment and our resolution, that He will safeguard us from all false pride and from all cowardly servility, that He may grant us to find the straight path which His Providence has ordained for the German people, and that He may ever give us the courage to do the right, never to falter, never to yield before any violence, before any danger…. I am convinced that men who are created by God should live in accordance with the will of the Almighty…. If Providence had not guided us I could often never have found these dizzy paths…. Thus it is that we National Socialists, too, have in the depths of our hearts our faith. We cannot do otherwise; no man can fashion world history or the history of peoples unless upon his purpose and his powers there rests the blessings of this Providence.[xvii]

In the final analysis, the Antichrist may be dangerous not because he is the best actor ever to mount the world stage or that he will hide insincere intent and cloak satanic motive. He will be exceptionally treacherous because, like Adolf Hitler, he will be utterly convinced that defeat is inconceivable. The thoughts of his mind will swim with confidence of triumph over Born Again believers in the upcoming war between Christian vs. Christian . . . and for a while it will appear he is right:

And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:7-8).

EDITOR’S NOTE: This series has been based on portions of the new investigative blockbuster, Blood On The Altar: The Coming War Between Christian vs. Christian

FREE! Get a 3-hour audio presentation on the Coming War Between Christian vs. Christian plus 2 other books free ($70.00 value). Click banner below to learn more.

[i] Adolf Hitler, July 22, 1933, writing to the Nazi Party (quoted from John Cornwell’s Hitler’s Pope.)

[ii] “The German Centre Party (German: Deutsche Zentrumspartei or just Zentrum) was a Catholic political party in Germany during the Kaiserreich and the Weimar Republic. In English it is often called the Catholic Centre Party. Formed in 1870, it battled the Kulturkampf which the Prussiangovernment launched to reduce the power of the Catholic Church. It soon won a quarter of the seats in theReichstag (Imperial Parliament), and its middle position on most issues allowed it to play a decisive role in the formation of majorities. “When the Nazis came to power the party dissolved itself on 5 July 1933 as a condition of the conclusion of a Concordat between the Holy See and Germany.” See wiki/Centre_ Party_ (Germany).

[iii] Adolf Hitler, in his New Year message on January 1, 1934.

[iv] Adolf Hitler, answering C. F. Macfarland about church and state (in his book, The New Church and the New Germany).

[v] Adolf Hitler, on June 26, 1934, to Catholic bishops to assure them that he would take action against the new pagan propaganda.

[vi] Adolf Hitler, in a speech delivered in Berlin on the May Day festival, 1937.

[vii] By this we mean a reality in its own right, although C. S. Lewis was likely onto something by describing evil not as essential to reality as “good” is, but akin more to “spoiled goodness”—lest we inadvertently fall into the conundrum of a Zoroastrian dualism in which good and evil are on equal footing.

[viii] Adolf Hitler, giving prayer in a speech on May Day, 1933.

[ix] Adolf Hitler from his speech of April 12, 1922.

[x] Adolf Hitler, in an article titled “A New Beginning,” February 26, 1925.

[xi] Adolf Hitler, in a speech to the men of the SA at Dortmund, July 9, 1933, on the day after the signing of the Concordat (agreement with the Roman Catholic Church, the Papacy).

[xii] Adolf Hitler, in his Proclamation at the Parteitag at Nuremberg on September 5, 1934.

[xiii] Indeed, evangelical spiritual sentiment may be content to connect with nothing more than the name “Jesus.” Without specific assertions, we possess nothing distinct or definite. Thus, the name of Jesus may stand for nothing. It is the ultimate use of the Lord’s name in vain. There are those in leadership within the church who would prefer to pray only to Jesus and talk about nothing but Jesus to avoid any sectarian debate. After all: dogma divides; love abides. Of course, that adage presumes intuition replacesreason as the sole religious faculty or means to discover reality. As Francis Schaeffer once conveyed, Evangelicals have their own form of religious mysticism that is just as elusive and ineffable as Buddistkoans. In the final analysis, only true truth prevails (an awkward Schaefferian tautology meant to convey truth that is objective and universal—i.e., the opposite of relative “truth” or truth that is “caught” not “taught”). “Doctrineless sound bites” bite us all in the end.

[xiv] BBC News, “Pope Defends WWII Pontiff’s Role,” September 20, 2008, Red Ice Creations,

[xv] John Cornwell, Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII (New York: Viking, 1999) 209.

[xvi] Adolf Hitler, in his proclamation to the German people on January 1, 1939.

[xvii] Adolf Hitler, in a speech at Wurzburg on June 27, 1937.

New Book Being Released Soon–Blood on the Altar

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New collaborative work with articles from:

  • Dr. Tom Horn
  • Cris Putman
  • Gary Stearman
  • Dr. Chuck Messler
  • Dr. Michael Lake
  • Sharon Gilbert
  • Derek Gilbert
  • Larry Spargimino
  • Paul McGuire
  • Terry James
  • and Others


PART 1 – A Forgotten Aspect of Bible Prophecy

In January this year (2014), the Pew Research Center (PRC)—a prestigious think tank based in Washington, DC (which provides information on social issues and demographic trends shaping the world)—published its report,"Religious Hostilities Reach Six-Year High."

In this important document, the worldwide public-opinion surveyors chronicled the steady growth of religious persecution around the world and found that social hostilities involving religion are currently most frequently directed against people of Christian faith. The sharpest increase was in the Middle East, which, the reporters surmise, is the result of the 2010–2011 political uprisings known as the Arab Spring. That region’s score on the Social Hostilities Index rose from 5.4 in 2011 to 6.4 in 2012, three times the global median. A January 8, 2014, Breitbart news feature with the headline “A Report from the Non-Denominational Group Open Doors Says the Number of Christians Martyred around the World for Their Faith Nearly Doubled in 2013”[i] separately confirmed the discoveries of the PRC cited above. Besides the Middle East, the Pew findings also detail an escalation in the United States from the lowest category of government restrictions on Christian expressions as of mid-2009 to an advanced category in only three years,[ii] where it appears poised to continue upward at the time the new investigative book Blood On The Altar: The Coming War Between Christian vs. Christian heads to the printer. If recent activity is any indication, it may not be long before “one nation under God” joins those red-listed countries where Bible-based believers find themselves under the most severe discrimination. Indeed, National Review Online recently posted a critical review by Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, who cites the 2014 World Watch List (which ranks the fifty nations where Christians are most persecuted) to determine that the U.S. has become “the chief facilitator of the persecution of Christians around the world today.”[iii] While Ibrahim’s assertion mostly reflects American involvement in foreign conflicts, examples of repression in the US against people of Christian faith are growing and are easily obtained online. A simple and quick web search produced the following headlines and statistics in just a few minutes:

  • A January 25, 2014, news story at Christian News Network is entitled “Legal Group Reports ‘Dramatic Increase’ in Hostility toward Christian Students in Public Schools.” An important distinction in this story is that the upswing in incident reports does not pertain to bullying from other students, but rather to mistreatment by school officials. “[The reports all surround] hostility from teachers and school administrators who are curtailing the students’ free speech rights simply because they’re Christians and they might express a Christian worldview,” the article quotes Bob Tyler, general counsel of Advocates for Faith and Freedom (AFF), as saying. Incidents include:

    • A Boston-area mother of a seventh grader called the AFF to report that one of her child’s teachers, an atheist, had belittled the student’s faith. “The atheist teacher said, ‘We atheists laugh at you Christians. No one will believe in God [in coming years] because science has proven that there is no God.’”

      • Another incident concerned a California teacher who threw away a gift from a first-grader because it was spiritual in nature. “[The teacher] said, ‘Jesus is not allowed in school,’ and proceeded to throw [the present] in the trash,” Tyler outlined, noting that the professing Christian principal sided with the teacher in the matter.
      • Another first grader, who was giving a religious presentation in class, was told to stop when her teacher realized the student was referring to biblical passages. “The teacher said, ‘Stop right there. You cannot talk about the Bible in school,’” Tyler said. “And for [the student]…all of a sudden you feel like you’re in trouble because of what just happened.”[iv]
  • A February 2, 2014, CBS story outlines how a North Carolina high school football coach was ordered to cease baptisms and leading prayers for students even when not on school grounds(the baptism in question was performed at the Charles Mack Citizen Center, a church in town that many team members attend and the coach was simply invited to be there). “‘It is a violation of the Constitution for the Mooresville High School football coach to organize, lead, or participate in prayers or other religious proselytizing before, during, or after games and practices,’ Patrick Elliott, attorney for Freedom from Religion Foundation, wrote to the school’s district attorney last fall. ‘It is well settled that public schools, and by extension public school officials, may not advance or promote religion.’”[v]

  • A very well written, January 10, 2014, American Thinker opinion piece by Fay Voshell titled “Establishing a US State Religion” details a modest group of nuns who have devoted their lives to the care of the elderly for 175 years—“a generally thankless task,” Voshell notes, “as they are dealing with human beings who are physically debilitated and most often mentally frail as they come to the end of their earthly existence.” The nuns have come under intimidation by the US government for “refusing to obey the Obamacare Affordable Health Care mandate to include abortion-inducing drugs as part of the insurance policies offered to the orders’ employees. Such provisions violate the nuns’ religious beliefs concerning the sacredness of life from conception to death.” Voshell notes that Beverly Monk’s report on Citizen Link indicates that the nuns “have been told they must offer the abortifacient or sign a government form that delegates the action to a third party.” The Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice (DOJ), Voshell says, “are essentially saying to the nuns, ‘You yourselves don’t have to do it, but you have to allow someone else to do it on behalf of your order.’ That’s legal casuistry at its most serpentine. Monk also reports the DOJ demands…‘the Little Sisters must sign a “self-certification” form claiming eligibility for an exemption from the mandate, or pay millions in fines.’ In other words, sign the paper or else.”[vi]

  • A December 31, 2013, ABC News story reports of Houston, Texas, city bus drivers who were reprimanded for praying with a coworker after her twelve-year-old girl was hit by a car and later died of the injuries.[vii]

  • A January 3, 2014, Daily Caller feature article titled “House Committee: Obama Administration Banned Christmas Carols and Cards for Veterans” by Patrick Howley states how “the Obama administration’s Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) prohibited veterans from hearing Christmas carols or receiving gifts wrapped in Christmas-themed wrapping paper.… Additionally, the VA Medical Center in Augusta, Georgia—which treats veterans—banned Christmas carolers from singing Christmas songs with religious references in public areas.”[viii]

  • A December 9, 2013, Charisma News report by Matt Barber details how “Blogging Gays Urge Murder, Castration of Christians.”[ix]

  • A February 7, 2014, story at WorldNetDailyfeatures an interview with US Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin under the stinging headline, “General: US Christians Targeted For Murder.”[x]

  • Finally, a November 10, 2013, Associated Press report—while not a direct story of Christian persecution—details how “Atheist ‘Mega-Churches’ Are Taking Root across US, World.”[xi]

There are, of course, hundreds more such examples in media at this time (and I didn’t even mention the recent attempt to perform a Black Mass at Harvard University against "the stifling authority of the Church" or the Satanic Baphomet under design for Oklahoma’s Statehouse), and, again, these stories are just samples found in a few moments with a simple web query. But what these bullet points fail to mention is the developing emergence on the world scene of what will become one of the greatest threats ever raised against the authentic body of Christ—Religious Christians.

Pew Research map shows United States as

a growing menace to real Christianity

Cry “Havoc!” and Let Slip the Dogs of War

For some students of prophecy, the facts outlined above were not only predictable, but were a prophesied prelude to a period in history wherein true believers will be “beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and….[for] not worship[ing] the beast, neither his image, neither…[receiving] his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands” (Rev. 20:4).

Yet, when discussing this end-times scenario, and in particular the subject of rigorous persecution, often overlooked is the role that religious “Christians” are being shaped today to play against the true body of Christ. Even the subtitle of my upcoming book and the concept of a coming war between Christians could seem beyond credulity if it were not for what the inspired texts themselves convey. Jesus predicted a time when “whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service” (John 16:2), and in Matthew 24, He told His disciples:

Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you; and ye shall be hated of all [groups of people] for my name’s sake.

And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall grow cold. (Matthew 24:9–12)

Elsewhere in the Bible it describes this coming era of Great Tribulation as when the Antichrist will have power “to make war with the saints, and to overcome them” (Rev. 13:7; see also Dan. 7:21). Immediately following those verses, there is description of a second beast with “two horns like a lamb” who speaks “like a dragon” (Rev. 13:11). Most evangelical scholars identify this second “beast” as the leader of the end-times religious institution who will be under Satan’s control. The phrase “like a lamb” indicates he will pretend to represent the Lamb of God and the Christian church, while the expression “speaks like a dragon” identifies the devilish source of his authority and power. This final, global, super-church leader will be a murderer not unlike the Antichrist, and will cause “that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed” (Rev. 13:15).

Thus, the book of Revelation outlines how the political figure of Antichrist derives ultranational dominance from the world’s religious faithful through the influence of an ecclesiastical leader (also called the False Prophet) who will not hesitate to swim in the blood of the genuine saints of God.

In the days between now and when these men of sin are identified, this reality—that latter-day churchgoers will soon believe they are serving the kingdom of God by participating in or approving the death of conservative Christians—is not a concept lost on all contemporary churchmen. There are those who see things taking shape even now for a war that will eventually pit religious “Christians” against the real members of the body of Christ. For example, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, stated early in 2014 that “modern Christians” will now be “‘called’ to suffer and even die for the faith” in a new era “of martyrdom.”[xii] But a clarifying document that was not supposed to be made public and which was authored by a senior advisor to Welby’s predecessor details how such a time of great persecution is coming because true believers will, according to the letter, be driven underground by liberal Christians and will become a dissident association comparable to resistance movements during World War II.[xiii]Dr. J. Vernon McGee, one of America’s most beloved Bible teachers of the past century, taught the same and clarified that these true biblical believers would ultimately be driven “underground” by none other than latter-day denominational churches. Another of the twentieth century’s most perceptive writers was pastor and author A. W. Tozer (who was not usually given to prognostication), who likewise wrote:

Let me go out on a limb a little bit and prophesy. I see the time coming when all the holy men whose eyes have been opened by the Holy Spirit will desert worldly Evangelicalism, one by one. The house [institutional Christianity] will be left desolate and there will not be a man of God, a man in whom the Holy Spirit dwells, left among them.[xiv]

These Holy-Spirit-devoid church attenders will join other “religious types” to constitute Antichrist’s apostate religious and political order (connected to “Mystery Babylon” in Revelation 17) and, as unfathomable as it may sound, will seek to formulate perhaps the most egregious rank among the Man of Sin’s Gestapo members in their appetite for destroying latter-day, truly born-again believers.

Impossible, some might say? Tell that to the trainloads of Jews who vanished beneath the brutality of Nazi Germany members who maintained their Protestant faith or to the hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children who have died since the days of Christ’s crucifixion and the martyrdom of His disciples at the hands of institutional church authorities and holy temple leaders. The European wars of religion (sixteenth and seventeenth centuries) are further examples of such mayhem by very religious people, as could also be considered the Muslim conquests (seventh to nineteenth centuries), the Crusades (eleventh to thirteenth centuries), the Spanish Reconquista (eighth to fifteenth centuries), the Ottoman wars in Europe (fifteenth to nineteenth centuries) and the Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church (twelfth to fourteenth centuries).

But now, what was old is new again, and as a militant spirit of evil pushes through the veil toward a final supernatural conflict (in which blood will flow to the horses’ bridles), violent clashes over matters of faith are once more boiling around the globe. Consequently, brutality wrought by the final Antichrist and his end-time Christian assassins will soon make the combined depravities of those wars mentioned above look like child’s play. When he raises his fist, “speaking great things…in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven” (Rev. 13:5–6), at his right hand will stand those devoted house-of-worship attendees who are vividly described in the final book of the Bible as “drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus” (Rev. 17:6) as they dance and sing “in the spirit” of their mega-church “habitation of demons, and the hold of every foul spirit” (Rev. 18:2).

How could such a nightmarish reality develop in modern times and within advanced society? Part of the answer includes a unique, if not disturbing, study in human psychology, repeatedly verified in university and military experiments, which we will consider in the next entry.


[i] Awr Hawkins,



[iv] Heather Clark,

[v] Benjamin Fearnow,
coach-ordered-to-cease-baptisms-leading-prayers/; emphasis added.


[vii] Deborah Wrigley,



[x] Bob Unruh,

[xi] Gillian Flaccus,

[xii] John Bingham, “Christians Called to ‘Martyrdom’ Says Welby,” The Telegraph, January 14, 2014,

[xiii] Ruth Gledhill, “Church Faces Implosion and Life Underground,” Virtue Online, December 10, 2004,

[xiv] A. W. Tozer, The Dangers of a Shallow Faith: Awakening from Spiritual Lethargy (Gospel Light Publications, 2012) Google eBook, 14–15.

Reprint from Raider’s News Update and Defender Publishing